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Continuing the Conversation with further writings by Professor Lesley Hughes.

We hope you have had a chance to read our 1st Blog and follow Professor Lesley Hughes response to questions posed after the forum. As we continue to build upon the issues Lesley raised, we offer for your consideration an article written by Lesley in June 2018 for The Monthly.  For our International readers The Monthly is an Australian national magazine covering politics, society and the arts, founded by Morry Schwartz  in 2005.

Professor Lesley Hughes is an ecologist and professor of biology at Macquarie University who researches the impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems. She is a councillor with the publicly funded Climate Council of Australia.

In this article she gives us a picture of the challenges and hopes that sit with those, “When planetary catastrophe is your day job.” 

In “working hard to keep the apocalypse relevant”  Lesley notes that “As a scientist I feel a compulsion to deliver the facts as we currently understand them. But too much gloom and doom is paralysing. Apocalypse fatigue can send people under the metaphorical doona.” 

She ponders “how to balance motivation and despair” and explores the opportunity for hope.


We offer this link to The Monthly article.

How will you keep the conversation going?  Join us on the 10th November for the next forum to hear…….()add detail)