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You talk about Grid Neutrality as THE SOLUTION that will help overtake market forces to solve our electricity/energy crisis. How will this overcome the vested interests and fossil fuel contracts underlying the current GRID RULES?

The grid and its rules were built around a 150 year old fossil fuel based energy system and market in this country. There’s a lot of work to undo the status quo and ensure it adapts to the changing way we generate and utilise energy. We’re facing a well organised fossil fuel lobby who are drawing on a long history. It won’t be easy, but we need to organise in our communities and suburbs and engage in debate about modernising our system.

How do we advocate for new electric cars & appliances & new solar systems etc. and counter the criticism of generating ever more waste?

Moving away from fossil fuel appliances and cars will eliminate significant emissions and is critical in Australia meeting (and hopefully exceeding) it’s 43% target. For many households the shift in appliances will occur at the end of life of appliances. However, we also need to look at how we will recycle and reuse elements of appliances and cars to minimise overall waste.

What is the primary reason for ELECTRIFICATION PILOTS – the community groups doing this together? Why is this better than all of us just going off and electrifying individually – sort of like we’ve done already with solar panels?

Rewiring Australia wants to run pilots in suburbs as a demonstration project of what it looks like when a community goes carbon neutral. If we want to reach out emission reduction targets we need all households to electrify. The pilots will test the key benefits (and possible barriers that need to be addressed) of mass electrification including: grid impacts, electricity usage and demand patterns, industry readiness for appliances and installations, community infrastructure to support electrification and broader health impacts. Further, geographically based communities are incredibly powerful advocates on getting more people in a community involved in electrification.

Who are the local heroes for these PILOTS. Is there a role for Rotary Clubs (usually with community leaders) to advocate here?

Rewiring Australia is working to socialise the benefits of electrification for the environment, for health, for bills and for communities. Everyone can be a local hero in helping get this message out and supporting neighbours and friends with decisions to electrify their homes. Rotary Clubs can play a critical role in sharing information and resources. Over the next 6 months Rewiring Australia will be developing practical guides for communities and households about electrification, and we’d love the support of local Rotary Club chapters in spreading the word.

Who is now moving fastest to support this revolution you are proposing – the Federal Government in Australia or are the states still well out front?

Taking action to immediately and drastically reduce emissions needs to be a joint effort from all levels of government. We are now seeing governments working cooperatively and recognise the critical role that renewable energy and electrification play in the pathway towards reduced emissions. We also love seeing the work at a local government level and the work they do cannot be underestimated in terms education and support for communities, as well as rolling out community assets that support electrification.